Blnk supports scheduling a transaction for a later specified date. This can be useful for both one-time or recurring transactions that need to automatically happen at a certain date in the future.

1. Scheduling a transaction

To schedule a transaction, include the scheduled_for field in your request body when calling the record-transaction endpoint.

POST http://YOUR_BLNK_INSTANCE_URL/transactions
    "amount": 100000,
    "precision": 100,
    "reference": "ref",
    "currency": "USD",
    "source": "bln_28edb3e5-c168-4127-a1c4-16274e7a28d3",
    "destination": "@fees",
    "scheduled_for": "2024-12-21T01:36:46+01:00",
    "meta_data": {
      "sender_name": "John Doe",
      "sender_account": "00000000000"

Blnk accepts and adds the transaction to its queue. Once the scheduled time is reached, the transaction gets applied and you receive a notification via the transaction.applied webhook event.

Canceling a scheduled transactions

To cancel a scheduled transaction on your ledger, schedule a new transaction for a few seconds after the original scheduled transaction.

The destination balance of the original transaction becomes the source, and the original source becomes the destination. This way, the transaction is canceled on your ledger.

Need help?

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