Blnk uses the sort_by field for ordering your search results. You can sort by up to three fields — separating each field with a comma.

For example, to sort your results with the date they were created in descending order (from latest to earliest), your sort_by value will be created_at:desc.

  • :desc — for descending order.
  • :asc - for ascending order.

When specifying more than one value for the sort_by field, the order in which the values are arranged is important. When sorting, the first value is used to order the results, then the second value is used to break the tie (if any), and then the third value is applied to further break the tie (if any).

For example, to sort a transaction search result by the date it was created (in descending order) and the scheduled date if any (in ascending order), your sort_by value will be created_at:desc,scheduled_for:asc.

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