Deploy your Blnk server with HTTPs and protect your data and ensure the privacy and integrity of information exchanged between your server and its clients. Blnk supports HTTPs out of the box and simplifies how you secure your financial application.

This guide helps you set up HTTPs for your Blnk server. You need a basic understanding of Docker, Compose and domain management to implement this guide.


  • Docker 20.10.11 or later
  • Compose 1.29.2 or later
  • A valid domain name pointed to your server

Before you start

Make sure that the Blnk server has been successfully deployed and is running on your machine.

Deploy Blnk

Start here to run your Blnk server


Update your configuration file

Modify your blnk.json configuration file to enable HTTPs. Update the SSL flag to "ssl": true and provide your domain and email for SSL certificate notifications.

  "server": {
    "domain": "",
    "ssl": true,
    "ssl_email": "",
    "port": "5001"

Ensure your domain points to your server

Before you continue, confirm that the DNS settings for your domain are correctly configured to point to the IP address of your server.

This is required for the automated process to successfully verify your domain and issue an SSL certificate.


Start your Blnk server

With your configuration file updated, start your Blnk server using Docker Compose.

docker compose up

Your Blnk server will be initiated (including the automated process of obtaining an SSL certificate for your domain). The process involves validating your domain’s ownership and issuing a certificate, which is then automatically configured for use by your Blnk server.


Verifying your HTTPs set-up

Once your Blnk server is running, you can verify the HTTPs setup by accessing your Blnk server through a web browser or using a tool like curl:

curl -I

You should see a response indicating that the HTTPS connection is successful, along with other response headers.

Next steps

With HTTPs enabled, your Blnk server is now more secure, encrypting data in transit and providing a safer environment for your financial applications. Consider the following as you continue:

  1. Monitor and renew certificates: While Blnk automates the initial certificate setup, make sure to monitor your domain and certificates for expiration and renew them as necessary.

  2. Security best practices: Continue to follow security best practices for your Blnk server, including keeping software up to date, managing access controls, and monitoring for unauthorized access.

Need help?

We are very happy to help you make the most of Blnk, regardless of whether it is your first time or you are switching from another tool.

To ask questions or discuss issues, please join our Discord community.