
The query field, q, is used to query your ledger data. The query field is required in all search request payloads that you send to search endpoint.

It’s always advised to use the query field, q, with the filter_by field. This way, you can further streamline the results that you get when you execute a search query.

    "q": "*",
    "filter_by": "source:=bln_0be360ca-86fe-457d-be43-daa3f966d8f0"

The sample request payload above will return ONLY transactions where the balance_id (bln_0be360ca-86fe-457d-be43-daa3f966d8f0) was the source of the transaction.

Return all

To return all documents in the collection without searching for a specific query text, you can use * as the query field’s value.

    "q": "*"

This returns all documents in the collection specified in your endpoint URL. This is typically useful in conjunction with filter_by.

See also

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