Transaction lookup

Search for the details of a particular transaction.

	POST /search/transactions 
	Content-Type: application/json
	"q": "*",
    "filter_by": "id:=txn_6164573b-6cc8-45a4-ad2e-7b4ba6a60f7d"

Balance lookup

Search for the details of a particular balance.

	POST /search/balances 
	Content-Type: application/json
	"q": "*",
    "filter_by": "balance_id:=bln_ebcd230f-6265-4d4a-a4ca-45974c47f746"

View all transactions belonging to a balance

Search for all transactions that a particular balance has been a part of either as a source or destination. If source, it is a debit; if destination, it is a credit.

The sample query below sorts the result in descending order and paginates the results, displaying 30 records per page.

	POST /search/transactions 
	Content-Type: application/json
	"q": "*",
	"filter_by": "source:=bln_ebcd230f-6265-4d4a-a4ca-45974c47f746 OR destination:=bln_ebcd230f-6265-4d4a-a4ca-45974c47f746",
	"sort_by": "created_at:desc",
	"page": 1,
	"per_page": 30

View all balances in a ledger

Search for all balances grouped in a particular ledger.

	POST /search/balances 
	Content-Type: application/json
	"q": "*",
    "filter_by": "ledger_id:=ldg_073f7ffe-9dfd-42ce-aa50-d1dca1788adc"

View all balances with a specific asset class

Search for all balances with a specific asset class (e.g., USD).

	POST /search/balances 
	Content-Type: application/json
	"q": "*",
    "filter_by": "currency:=USD"

View all balances with total balance above USD 400,000

Search for all balances with their total balance above USD 400,000.

	POST /search/balances 
	Content-Type: application/json
	"q": "*",
	"filter_by": "balance:>40000000 && currency:=USD"

View all balances with an overdraft within a specified ledger

Search for all balances with an overdraft (i.e. a negative balance value).

Filtering by the ledger_id would match all balance records containing the specified value. A negative is any number that is less than 0. You can further filter these balance records by looking for balances whose values are less than 0.

	POST /search/balances 
	Content-Type: application/json
	"q": "*",
	"filter_by": "ledger_id:=ldg_073f7ffe-9dfd-42ce-aa50-d1dca1788adc && balance:<0"

View credit transactions below USD 100,000 in a specified balance

Search for transactions where a specified balance received amounts less than USD 100,000.

Use per_page to introduce pagination into your results, while page helps you navigate them.

This is good for large results because it returns them faster when it is fetched in groups (pages) compared to when it tries to fetch them all at once.

	POST /search/transactions 
	Content-Type: application/json
	"q": "*",
	"filter_by": "status:=applied && currency:=USD && amount:<10000000 && destination:=bln_ebcd230f-6265-4d4a-a4ca-45974c47f746",
	"sort_by": "created_at:desc",
	"page": 1,
	"per_page": 50,

View all APPLIED transactions between two dates in a specified balance

View all transactions with "status": "APPLIED" between February 2 and March 28, 2024 in a specified balance.

	POST /search/transactions 
	Content-Type: application/json
	"q": "*","",
	"filter_by": "(source:bln_ebcd230f-6265-4d4a-a4ca-45974c47f746 OR destination:bln_ebcd230f-6265-4d4a-a4ca-45974c47f746) AND status:=applied AND created_at:[2024-02-02..2024-03-28]"

See also

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