Blnk lets you easily process a transaction refund if you need to.

Refunds in Blnk only happen on transactions with the APPLIED status. This means the transactions have been permanently recorded, and the participating balances have been updated with the amount of the transaction.

When you ask Blnk to refund a transaction, it automatically creates a new transaction record and switches the source and destination balances of the original transaction — debiting the amount from the balance that initially received it and crediting it to the balance that initially sent it.

Refund a transaction

To refund a transaction, use the Refund Transaction endpoint and pass the id of the transaction that you want to refund.

curl --request POST \
  --url http://localhost:5001/refund-transaction/{id}

Track a refund

After you initiate a refund, Blnk creates a new transaction record with its own unique transaction id and reference. You can use the Get Transaction endpoint to track the status of the refund.

Once the status is APPLIED, it means the refund has been completed. We also notify you through the transaction.applied webhook event.

See also → Search your Blnk data.

See also

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