
Deploy Blnk to get access of Blnk’s features and begin using it.

To get started, you need a basic understanding of Docker and Compose — essential tools for deploying containerized applications like Blnk.


  • Docker 20.10.11 or later
  • Compose 1.29.2 or later

Deployment steps


Clone Blnk to your local server or computer

Clone the open-source repository to your local environment. This will create a copy of the latest Blnk source code on your machine.

git clone https://github.com/blnkledger/Blnk && cd Blnk

Create a configuration file

Create a configuration file called blnk.json. This file will contain essential settings for running your Blnk server.

touch blnk.json

Configure your Blnk server

Open the blnk.json file you’ve just created, copy and save the following JSON into it. You don’t need to edit the details of this configuration.

You can edit the webhook_url for your Slack workspace. Check out Handling notifications to learn how to add your webhook configuration to this file.

  "project_name": "Blnk",
  "data_source": {
    "dns": "postgres://postgres:password@postgres:5432/blnk?sslmode=disable"
  "redis": {
    "dns": "redis:6379"
  "server": {
    "domain": "blnk.io",
    "ssl": false,
    "ssl_email": "jerryenebeli@gmail.com",
    "port": "5001"
  "notification": {
    "slack": {
      "webhook_url": "https://hooks.slack.com"


Start your Blnk server with Docker Compose

With your configuration file in place, you can now start the Blnk server using Docker Compose. This pulls the required Docker images, create containers, and starts the services defined in your Docker Compose file.

docker compose up

After executing the command, Docker Compose will automatically handle the deployment of the Blnk server.

Once the process is complete, your Blnk server will be running and accessible at http://localhost:5001.

You’re ready!

Once your server is successfully running, it’s time to explore what Blnk can do.

See also

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