Identity allows you to attach your balance to an identity, ensuring every transaction activity is traceable, structured and owned by an entity. Whether it’s individual customers or larger organizations, every transaction can be attributed to a specific entity, enhancing transparency and accountability.

In this guide, we’ll learn how to associate a balance with an identity, and ensure clear attribution of financial activities.

1. Linking an identity to a balance

Create an identity

To link an identity to a balance, the identity (individual or organization) must be created and stored in Blnk. Upon creation, every identity is assigned a unique identity_id.

Create a balance with an identity

When creating a new balance, you can link it to an existing identity by passing the identity_id in the balance creation payload. Here’s a sample payload to create a balance and link it to an identity:

    "ledger_id": "ldg_db5eabf0-4152-47cf-8353-d1729a491962",
    "identity_id": "idt_0501db5c-baf9-4be1-a931-f4bae7f3a41d",
    "currency": "NGN"
ledger_idThe unique ID of the ledger where the balance is to be created.
identity_idThe unique ID of the identity you want to link to the balance.
currencyThe currency of the balance.

Once the balance is created with the above payload, it will be intrinsically linked to the specified identity through the identity_id.

This link ensures that all transactions and activities associated with this balance can be traced back to the specified identity, adding an extra layer of transparency to the financial operations in Blnk.

Identity attributes

identity_typeDistinguishes if the identity is an individual or organization.string (individual or organization)
individualContains details if the identity type is an individual.See individual attributes below
organizationContains details if the identity type is an organization.See organization attributes below
streetStreet address of the identity.string
countryResidential country of the identity.string
stateState of residence of the identity.string
post_codePostal code related to the identity.string
cityCity of residence of the identity.string
meta_dataCustom metadata linked to the identity.string

Create identity

first_nameFirst name of the individualstring
last_nameLast name of the individualstring
other_namesAny other names linked to the individualstring
genderGender of the individualstring
DOBDate of birthdate
email_addressEmail ID of the addressstring
phone_numberContact number of the individualstring
nationalityNationality of the individualstring

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