If your ledger is self-hosted, you need to sync the data on your ledger to your Cloud account, and we use the Blnk CLI to manage this sync.

Use the blnk cloud sync command to manage all sync actions in the CLI.

1. Start a cloud sync

To start a cloud sync running in the background:

blnk cloud sync start
Starting sync process in the background...
Sync process PID: 43691
Sync logs will be written to <filepath>/blnk-cli/sync.log

Navigate to the sync logs to see how your sync is performing.

You can also confirm the status of your sync:

blnk cloud sync status
Sync status: Running

2. Stop a cloud sync

To stop or pause a cloud sync:

blnk cloud sync stop
Sync process stopped

Need help?

We are very happy to help you make the most of Blnk, regardless of whether it is your first time or you are switching from another tool.

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