
Balance monitoring lets you keep track of the balances in your Blnk Ledger. This is important in building financial applications, especially in cases where specific balances have defined thresholds.

You can monitor all 3 sub-balances of a balance — credit balance (credit_balance), debit balance (debit_balance) and total balance (balance).

See also → Create a balance.

Why monitor balances?

  1. Fraud detection: Unusual balance changes can be an early indication of fraudulent activities. Monitoring can trigger alerts for suspicious transactions and ensure timely intervention.

  2. Regulatory compliance: Many financial regulations require institutions to maintain specific balance threshold. Real-time balance monitoring makes it easy to comply with these regulations.

  3. Customer notifications: Customers can be notified in real-time if their balance crosses a specific threshold. It can also be used for segmenting your customers in your application.

  4. Operational efficiency: Instantly knowing when a balance reaches a certain threshold can trigger automatic actions, such as transferring funds between accounts or purchasing assets.

Set up balance monitoring


Determine and set your conditions

Select what should be monitored on a particular balance, e.g., notify me when the debit_balance is above 100000.

Call the Create Balance Monitor endpoint and provide the following fields in the request payload:

    "balance_id": "bln_0be360ca-86fe-457d-be43-daa3f966d8f0",
    "condition": {
        "field": "debit_balance",
        "operator": ">",
        "value": 1000
		"precision": 100
    "description": "Tier 1 Account"
balance_idUnique identifier of the balance to be monitored.Yesstring
conditionObject representing the condition to be satisfied.Yes
fieldSpecific sub-balance to monitor. It can be debit_balance, credit_balance, or balance.Yesstring
operatorIndicates the comparison operation to be performed between the field and operator. See below → Supported operators.Yesstring
valueThe value against which the field is compared.Yesint64
precisionConverts the value to lowest possible unit. Ensure that the precision specified is the same as the precision applied to the balanceYesint64
descriptionDescription of your balance monitor. It is left empty if it’s not passed in the request.Nostring

In this example, Blnk is asked to monitor the balance and send a notification when its debit_balance is greater than 100000.

You can also include a meta_data in your request if you need to add custom data to your balance monitor.

You're good to go!

Blnk stores your monitoring request with a unique monitor_id. Once the condition is met, you will get instantly notified via the balance.monitor webhook event.

See also → Setting up notifications.

    "monitor_id": "mon_e0e77b0c-4985-472a-9bf5-76a48b0259b0",
    "balance_id": "bln_0be360ca-86fe-457d-be43-daa3f966d8f0",
    "condition": {
        "field": "debit_balance",
        "operator": ">",
        "value": 1000000
    "description": "Tier 1 Account",
    "created_at": "2024-02-20T05:56:58.257315054Z"
monitor_idUnique identifier for your balance monitor.string
created_atDate and time of creation.string

Supported operators

This is a list of all supported operators by the Balance monitor:

Greater than>Checks if the specified balance in field is greater than value
Less than<Checks if the specified balance in field is less than value
Equal to=Checks if the specified balance in field is exactly equal to value
Not equal to!=Checks if the specified balance in field is not equal to value
Greater than or equal to>=Check if the specified balance in field is greater than or equal to value
Less than or equal to<=Checks if the specified balance in field is less than or equal to value

View balance monitor

You can request to see a list of all balance monitors in your application, or the details of a particular monitor.

To do this, call the Get Balance Monitor endpoint URL with the/

  • Provide the monitor_id in the URL to see the details of a specific balance monitor.
  • Call the same URL without the monitor_id to see a list of all the balance monitors in your application.

See also → Search your Blnk data.

Update balance monitor

To update the conditions of a particular balance monitor, call the Update balance monitor endpoint using the monitor_id and pass the updated conditions.

See also

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