Use the blnk ledgers command to create and manage ledgers in your Blnk server.

Ensure that your Blnk server is running and connected to the CLI to use this command.

1. Create new ledger

To create a new ledger:

blnk ledgers create
? Ledger Name: <ledger-name>
? Metadata (JSON format): <metadata>
<ledger-name>The name of the ledger
<metadata>Custom info written in JSON format, e.g. {"owner":"Acme Inc", "ledgerYear":"2024"}. If you have no metadata, you can leave it blank like this: {}

A new ledger is now created and added to your server.

2. View ledgers

To view all of the ledgers in your server:

blnk ledgers list

3. Search ledgers

Search is used to query and find data in your Blnk server. To search your ledgers with the Blnk CLI, you can use the following options with the blnk ledgers list command.

-p or --page <number>Page number (default: “1”)
--per-page <number>Results per page (default: “10”)
-s or --search <term>What you are searching for (default: ”*“)
-q or --query-by <fields>Fields to query your search term by (default: “name, ledger_id”)

For example, the command below searches for a ledger named “Main Ledger” in your Blnk server:

blnk ledgers list -s "Main Ledger" -q "name"

Read our Search docs to learn more about Search.

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