The Blnk Cloud is a software that allows you to manage your ledger and access advanced features for your financial backend. You can use the cloud to:

  • Enable anomaly detection on your ledgers and balances.
  • Collaborate with other non-technical members of your team like operations, customer service, etc.
  • Upload data to your vault.
  • See data tables and insights of your financial data (ledgers, balances, and transactions).

To use the Blnk CLI with the cloud, ensure that you have installed the CLI on your machine.

1. Log in to Cloud

Ensure you already have a Blnk Cloud account setup to do this. To log in to Cloud from the CLI:

blnk cloud login
Email: <cloud-email>
Password: <cloud-password>
Authentication successful.
Logged in successfully. You can now use cloud commands.

You cannot use blnk cloud commands without logging in to your cloud.

2. Log out from Cloud

To log out from Cloud:

blnk cloud logout
Logout successful. You have been logged out and the token has been cleared.

Need help?

We are very happy to help you make the most of Blnk, regardless of whether it is your first time or you are switching from another tool.

To ask questions or discuss issues, please contact us or join our Discord community.

Get access to Blnk Cloud.

Manage your Blnk Ledger and explore advanced features (access control & collaboration, anomaly detection, secure storage & file management, etc.) in one dashboard.