SDK Code Examples
Real life use-case implementation with the TypeScript SDK.
In this examples guide, you’ll learn how to implement common real life fintech use-cases with the Blnk TypeScript SDK.
Click on a use-case item to view its sample SDK code. Each example is also linked with a detailed documentation of how it works.
To view the full list of examples, see the following: Blnk TypeScript SDK Code Examples
const { BlnkInit } = require(`@blnkfinance/blnk-typescript`);
const { BASE_URL, GenerateRandomNumbersWithPrefix } = require(`../util`);
async function main() {
// Initialize the Blnk SDK with base configuration
const blnk = BlnkInit(``, {
baseUrl: BASE_URL,
logger: console,
const { Ledgers, LedgerBalances, Transactions } = blnk;
// Create an escrow ledger for managing escrow accounts
const escrowLedger = await Ledgers.create({
name: `Escrow Ledger`,
meta_data: {
description: `Ledger for managing escrow accounts`,
// Check if ledger creation was successful
if ( === null || escrowLedger.status !== 201) {
throw new Error(escrowLedger.message);
// Create the first escrow balance for Alice
const escrowBalance1 = await LedgerBalances.create({
currency: `USD`,
meta_data: {
account_type: `Escrow`,
customer_name: `Alice Johnson`,
customer_id: `alice-5678`,
account_opened_date: `2024-01-01`,
account_status: `active`,
// Check if balance creation for Alice was successful
if ( === null || escrowBalance1.status !== 201) {
throw new Error(escrowBalance1.message);
// Create the second escrow balance for Bob
const escrowBalance2 = await LedgerBalances.create({
currency: `USD`,
meta_data: {
account_type: `Escrow`,
customer_name: `Bob Smith`,
customer_id: `bob-9701`,
account_opened_date: `2024-01-01`,
account_status: `active`,
// Check if balance creation for Bob was successful
if ( === null || escrowBalance2.status !== 201) {
throw new Error(escrowBalance2.message);
// Fund Alice’s escrow account with a deposit
const fundAlice = await Transactions.create({
source: `@bank-account`,
amount: 1000,
precision: 100,
reference: GenerateRandomNumbersWithPrefix(`release`, 4),
description: `Funding escrow account`,
currency: `USD`,
inflight: true,
meta_data: {
transaction_type: `deposit`,
customer_name: `Alice Johnson`,
customer_id: `alice-5678`,
transaction_date: `2024-07-05`,
payment_verified: false,
// Check if funding transaction for Alice was successful
if ( === null || fundAlice.status !== 201) {
throw new Error(fundAlice.message);
// Release funds from Alice's escrow account to Bob's escrow account
const releaseFunds = await Transactions.create({
amount: 1000,
precision: 100,
reference: GenerateRandomNumbersWithPrefix(`release`, 4),
description: `Releasing escrow funds`,
currency: `USD`,
source:, // Alice's escrow account balance_id
destination:, // Bob's escrow account balance_id
meta_data: {
transaction_type: `release`,
customer_name: `Alice Johnson`,
recipient_name: `Bob Smith`,
transaction_date: `2024-07-05`,
// Check if funds release transaction was successful
if ( === null || releaseFunds.status !== 201) {
throw new Error(releaseFunds.message);
// Refund the transaction, moving funds from Alice's escrow account back to the bank account
const refund = await Transactions.create({
amount: 1000,
precision: 100,
reference: GenerateRandomNumbersWithPrefix(`release`, 4),
description: `Releasing escrow funds`,
currency: `USD`,
source:, // Alice's escrow account balance_id
destination: `@bank-account`, // Destination is set as a bank account for refund
meta_data: {
transaction_type: `release`,
customer_name: `Alice Johnson`,
recipient_name: `Bob Smith`,
transaction_date: `2024-07-05`,
// Check if refund transaction was successful
if ( === null || refund.status !== 201) {
throw new Error(refund.message);
const { BlnkInit } = require(`@blnkfinance/blnk-typescript`);
const { BASE_URL } = require(`../util`);
async function main() {
// Initialize the Blnk SDK with base configuration
const blnk = BlnkInit(``, {
baseUrl: BASE_URL,
logger: console,
const { Ledgers, LedgerBalances, Transactions } = blnk;
// Create a ledger specifically for customer loyalty points
const customerLedger = await Ledgers.create({
name: `Customer Loyalty Points Ledger`,
meta_data: {
project_name: `RetailStore App`,
// Log and check if the ledger creation was successful
console.log(`customer ledger`, customerLedger);
if ( === null) {
throw new Error(customerLedger.message);
// Create a balance entry for storing loyalty points for a customer
const pointBalance = await LedgerBalances.create({
currency: `POINTS`,
meta_data: {
customer_name: `Alice`,
customer_internal_id: `5678`,
// Check if balance creation was successful
if ( === null) {
throw new Error(pointBalance.message);
console.log(`Point Balance`, pointBalance);
// Award points to Alice's loyalty balance as part of a purchase
const awardPoints = await Transactions.create({
amount: 100, // Representing 100 points
precision: 1,
reference: `purchase-001`,
description: `Points for purchase`,
currency: `POINTS`,
source: `@Store`,
destination:, // Alice's loyalty point balance_id
inflight: true,
meta_data: {
customer_name: `Alice`,
purchase_id: `purchase-001`,
// Check if points award transaction was successful
if ( === null) {
throw new Error(awardPoints.message);
console.log(`Points awarded`, awardPoints);
// Redeem some points from Alice's loyalty balance
const redeemPoints = await Transactions.create({
amount: 50, // Representing 50 points
precision: 1,
reference: `redemption-001`,
description: `Points redemption`,
currency: `POINTS`,
destination: `@Store`,
inflight: true,
meta_data: {
customer_name: `Alice`,
purchase_id: `purchase-001`,
// Check if points redemption transaction was successful
if ( === null) {
throw new Error(redeemPoints.message);
const { BlnkInit } = require(`@blnkfinance/blnk-typescript`);
const { BASE_URL, sleep, GenerateRandomNumbersWithPrefix } = require(`../util`);
async function main() {
// Initialize Blnk SDK with base configuration
const blnk = await BlnkInit(``, {
baseUrl: BASE_URL,
const { Ledgers, Search, LedgerBalances, Transactions } = blnk;
// Create a ledger for the Marketing department
const marketLedger = await Ledgers.create({
name: `Marketing Department Ledger`,
meta_data: {
department: `Marketing`,
// Error handling for Marketing ledger creation
if ( === null) {
throw new Error(marketLedger.message);
// Create a ledger for the Human Resources department
const hrLedger = await Ledgers.create({
name: `Human Resources Department Ledger`,
meta_data: {
department: `Human Resources`,
// Error handling for HR ledger creation
if ( === null) {
throw new Error(hrLedger.message);
// Retrieve the list of ledgers using the search function
const ledgers = await
q: `*`,
sort_by: `created_at:desc`,
// Create a balance for the Marketing department's advertising expenses
const marketingBalance = await LedgerBalances.create({
currency: `USD`,
meta_data: {
department: `Marketing`,
expense_type: `Advertising`,
// Error handling for Marketing balance creation
if ( === null) {
throw new Error(marketingBalance.message);
// Create a balance for the HR department's recruitment expenses
const hrBalance = await LedgerBalances.create({
currency: `USD`,
meta_data: {
department: `Human Resources`,
expense_type: `Recruitment`,
// Error handling for HR balance creation
if ( === null) {
throw new Error(hrBalance.message);
// Credit a transaction for marketing-related expenses
const marketingTransaction = await Transactions.create({
source: `@CompanyFunds`,
amount: 500,
currency: `USD`,
precision: 100,
reference: GenerateRandomNumbersWithPrefix(`ad`, 4),
description: `Payment for social media ads`,
inflight: true,
allow_overdraft: true,
meta_data: {
department: `Marketing`,
expense_type: `Advertising`,
vendor: `SocialMediaCo`,
// Error handling for Marketing transaction
if ( === null) {
throw new Error(marketingTransaction.message);
// Credit a transaction for HR-related recruitment expenses
const hrTransaction = await Transactions.create({
destination: `@CompanyFunds`,
amount: 1000,
currency: `USD`,
allow_overdraft: true,
precision: 100,
reference: GenerateRandomNumbersWithPrefix(`recruitment-expense`, 4),
description: `Payment for recruitment agency`,
inflight: true,
meta_data: {
department: `Human Resources`,
expense_type: `Recruitment`,
vendor: `JobBoardCo`,
// Error handling for HR transaction
if ( === null) {
throw new Error(hrTransaction.message);
await sleep(4); // Simulate a delay before committing transactions
// Approving the marketing transaction
console.log(`Approving marketing transaction`);
const commitMarketingTransaction = await Transactions.updateStatus(,
status: `commit`,
// Error handling for committing the marketing transaction
if ( === null ||
commitMarketingTransaction.status !== 200
) {
throw new Error(commitMarketingTransaction.message);
// Approving the HR recruitment transaction
console.log(`Approving HR transaction`);
const recruitmentExpenseCommit = await Transactions.updateStatus(,
status: `commit`,
// Error handling for committing the HR transaction
if ( === null ||
recruitmentExpenseCommit.status !== 200
) {
throw new Error(recruitmentExpenseCommit.message);
const { BlnkInit } = require(`@blnkfinance/blnk-typescript`);
const { GenerateRandomNumbersWithPrefix, BASE_URL } = require(`../util`);
async function main() {
// Initialize the Blnk SDK with base configuration
const blnk = BlnkInit(``, {
baseUrl: BASE_URL,
logger: console,
const { Ledgers, LedgerBalances, Transactions } = blnk;
// Create a ledger specifically for managing savings accounts
const savingsLedger = await Ledgers.create({
name: `Savings Ledger`,
meta_data: {
description: `Ledger for managing savings accounts`,
// Check if the savings ledger was successfully created
if ( === null || savingsLedger.status !== 201) {
throw new Error(savingsLedger.message);
// Create a balance for Alice's savings account within the savings ledger
const aliceSavings = await LedgerBalances.create({
currency: `USD`,
meta_data: {
account_type: `Escrow`,
customer_name: `Alice Johnson`,
customer_id: `alice-5678`,
account_opened_date: `2024-01-01`,
account_status: `active`,
// Check if the balance creation for Alice's savings was successful
if ( === null || aliceSavings.status !== 201) {
throw new Error(aliceSavings.message);
// Fund Alice's savings balance with an initial deposit transaction
const aliceDeposit = await Transactions.create({
amount: 1000, // Amount to be deposited
precision: 100,
reference: GenerateRandomNumbersWithPrefix(`funding`, 4),
description: `Funding savings account`,
currency: `USD`,
source: `@bank-account`,
destination:, // Alice's savings account balance_id
inflight: true,
allow_overdraft: true, // Enable overdraft for the initial deposit
meta_data: {
transaction_type: `deposit`,
customer_name: `Alice Johnson`,
customer_id: `alice-5678`,
transaction_date: `2024-07-05`,
payment_verified: false,
// Check if the deposit transaction was successful
if ( === null || aliceDeposit.status !== 201) {
throw new Error(aliceDeposit.message);
// Execute main function and catch any errors
main().catch(error => {
const { BlnkInit } = require(`@blnkfinance/blnk-typescript`);
const { GenerateRandomNumbersWithPrefix, sleep, BASE_URL } = require(`../util`);
async function main() {
// Initialize the Blnk SDK with base configuration
const blnk = BlnkInit(``, {
baseUrl: BASE_URL,
const { Ledgers, LedgerBalances, Transactions } = blnk;
// Create a USD ledger for managing virtual card transactions
const usdLedger = await Ledgers.create({
name: `Customer USD Ledger`,
meta_data: {
project_name: `VirtualCard App`,
// Check if the USD ledger creation was successful
if ( === null) {
throw new Error(usdLedger.message);
// Create a USD virtual card balance with masked card details for security
const usdBalance = await LedgerBalances.create({
currency: `USD`,
meta_data: {
customer_name: `Jerry`,
customer_internal_id: `1234`,
card_state: `ACTIVE`,
card_number: `411111XXXXXX1111`, // Masked for security
card_expiry: `12/26`,
card_cvv: `XXX`, // Masked for security
// Check if the virtual card balance creation was successful
if ( === null || usdBalance.status !== 201) {
throw new Error(usdBalance.message);
// Record the first transaction on this balance, allowing overdraft for setup
const firstTransaction = await Transactions.create({
amount: 1000,
precision: 100,
reference: GenerateRandomNumbersWithPrefix(`trx`, 4),
description: `First transaction on this balance`,
currency: `USD`,
source: `@World`,
destination: `@Merchant`,
allow_overdraft: true,
meta_data: {
merchant_name: `Store ABC`,
customer_name: `Jerry`,
// Check if the first transaction creation was successful
if ( === null || firstTransaction.status !== 201) {
throw new Error(firstTransaction.message);
// Record an authorization transaction as inflight (pending approval)
const reference = GenerateRandomNumbersWithPrefix(`trx`, 4);
const inflightTransaction = await Transactions.create({
amount: 1000,
precision: 100,
description: `Authorization for purchase`,
currency: `USD`,
source: `@Merchant`,
destination:, // Jerry's virtual card balance_id
inflight: true,
meta_data: {
merchant_name: `Store ABC`,
customer_name: `Jerry`,
// Check if the inflight transaction creation was successful
if ( === null || inflightTransaction.status !== 201) {
throw new Error(inflightTransaction.message);
// Wait 4 seconds to simulate the time for transaction processing
await sleep(4);
// Commit the inflight transaction once verified
const x = await Transactions.updateStatus(,
status: `commit`,
// Check if the transaction commit was successful
if ( === null || x.status !== 200) {
throw new Error(x.message);
// Optionally void the transaction if it fails or is canceled
await Transactions.updateStatus(, {
status: `void`,
// Execute the main function
const { BlnkInit } = require(`@blnkfinance/blnk-typescript`);
const { BASE_URL } = require(`../util`);
const path = require(`path`);
async function main() {
// Initialize the Blnk SDK with the base URL configuration
const blnk = BlnkInit(``, {
baseUrl: BASE_URL,
const { Reconciliation } = blnk;
// Define the path for the reconciliation file
const filePath = path.join(__dirname, `..`, `..`, `file.csv`);
// Upload the reconciliation file for the Stripe account
const reconciliationUpload = await Reconciliation.upload(filePath, `Stripe`);
// Check if the upload was successful
if (reconciliationUpload.status !== 200) {
throw new Error(reconciliationUpload.message);
// Create a matching rule to reconcile based on the 'amount' field
const matchingRule = await Reconciliation.createMatchingRule({
criteria: [
field: `amount`,
operator: `equals`,
allowable_drift: 0.01, // Allowable difference in amount for a match
name: `Test Matching Rule`,
description: `Test Matching Rule Description`,
// Check if the matching rule creation was successful
if (matchingRule.status !== 201) {
throw new Error(matchingRule.message);
// Start the reconciliation process with specified criteria
const startReconciliation = await{
dry_run: true, // Run in test mode without making actual changes
grouping_criteria: `amount`,
matching_rule_ids: [], // Use the created matching rule
strategy: `many_to_one`, // Reconciliation strategy
upload_id:, // Use the uploaded file
// Check if the reconciliation process started successfully
if (startReconciliation.status !== 200) {
throw new Error(startReconciliation.message);
// Execute the main function
Need help?
We are very happy to help you make the most of Blnk, regardless of whether it is your first time or you are switching from another tool.
To ask questions or discuss issues, please contact us or join our Discord community.
Connect your Blnk Ledger and explore advanced features (access control & collaboration, anomaly detection, secure storage & file management, etc.) in one intuitive dashboard.
Issue reporting
If you encounter any issues while installing or using this SDK, please report them on Github.
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